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Let Us Show You How To Build A 6-Figure Home Care Business
Learn the fundamentals of building and running a home care business
Let Us Show You How To Build A 6-Figure Home Care Business
Learn the fundamentals of building and running a home care business

Building a homecare business is a journey. There are so many regulations to stay in compliance that it can become a daunting task. We are here to change that with our Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator!

Home care providers must adhere to all relevant local, state, and federal laws and regulations. All employees must be properly trained and certified in accordance with applicable standards. The providers must maintain HIPAA compliance and ensure the confidentiality of patient records and data. All these things make it such a daunting task to become a home care business and remain in compliance. That's where we come in and walk you through the process. We take away the overwhelm and replace it with confidence for you to start your home care business.

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Trust us, building our home care business came with many lessons and tears. We built this business from a deep sense of purpose.

On December 20, 2002, our lives changed drastically. My husband, David Akins was the victim of a very violent crime. During what appeared to be an armed robbery my husband was shot multiple times and left for dead. 911 wasn’t called until hours later. When the paramedics arrived, they had to revive him before transporting him to the hospital. David’s injuries were life-threatening and doctors only gave him 24 hours to live. I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. I couldn’t breathe but yet I was faced with making serious decisions regarding David’s life.

What was i going to do? David pulled through pas the 24 hours doctors had given him! As a result of his injuries he could no longer breath on his on, he was paralyzed from the neck down and he required 24-hour total care. David would also require lots of medicine and different procedures in order to sub stain his life. Doctors wanted to place him in a skilled nursing facility but my heart just wouldn’t allow me to make that decision and sleep well at night.

Against the doctor’s advice, I decided to care for him at home. David received one on one specialized care and love everyday for the next 5 1/2 years. Through this experience, I developed my purpose in life. I knew that the type of care David received is was kept him alive much longer than doctors expected and that other family needed just what I was able to provide to him.

Through the many lessons taking care of David, I learned the ins and outs of home care. I took that knowledge and founded Akins Helping Hands. I went through the pain and many lessons so that you wouldn't have to! We've compiled all that knowledge into this course to help you start your home care business.

Building a home care business is a journey. There are so many regulations to stay in compliance that it can become a daunting task. We are here to change that!

Home care providers must adhere to all relevant local, state, and federal laws and regulations. All employees must be properly trained and certified in accordance with applicable standards. The providers must maintain HIPAA compliance and ensure the confidentiality of patient records and data. All these things make it such a daunting task to become a home care business and remain in compliance. That's where we come in and walk you through the process. We take away the overwhelm and replace it with confidence for you to start your home care business.

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Trust us, building our home care business came with many lessons and tears. We built this business from a deep sense of purpose.

On December 20, 2002, our lives changed drastically. My husband, David Akins was the victim of a very violent crime. During what appeared to be an armed robbery my husband was shot multiple times and left for dead. 911 wasn’t called until hours later. When the paramedics arrived, they had to revive him before transporting him to the hospital. David’s injuries were life-threatening and doctors only gave him 24 hours to live. I felt as if the wind had been knocked out of me. I couldn’t breathe but yet I was faced with making serious decisions regarding David’s life.

What was I going to do? David pulled through pas the 24 hours doctors had given him! As a result of his injuries he could no longer breath on his on, he was paralyzed from the neck down and he required 24-hour total care. David would also require lots of medicine and different procedures in order to sub stain his life. Doctors wanted to place him in a skilled nursing facility but my heart just wouldn’t allow me to make that decision and sleep well at night.

Against the doctor’s advice, I decided to care for him at home. David received one on one specialized care and love everyday for the next 5 1/2 years. Through this experience, I developed my purpose in life. I knew that the type of care David received is was kept him alive much longer than doctors expected and that other family needed just what I was able to provide to him.

Through the many lessons taking care of David, I learned the ins and outs of home care. I took that knowledge and founded Akins Helping Hands. I went through the pain and many lessons so that you wouldn't have to! We've compiled all that knowledge into this course to help you start your home care business.

Here’s what you get for just $1,497 with our course:

6 weeks of live training

Not sure where to start? Our live trainings will walk you through every stage of the home care business process needed to start and build your business. We got you covered from compliance and regulation, forms and policy, application process and so much more.

Step-by-step walk-through of the application for the Division of Health Human Services

Eliminate overwhelm in the application process by completing a step by step walk through with an expert. No more guessing if you have completed the application correctly.

An employee handbook template to customize for your business

Proper employee onboarding and expectation is key for running any business, especially a home care business. This employee handbook is a valuable resource to your employees. 

Review of all compliance requirements

There are fundamental steps that each individual must take to ensure compliance in the home care business.  Be prepared by reviewing all compliance requirements to start and maintain your homecare business. 

A fill-in-the-blank personalized journal

Hold yourself accountable with a personalized journal to take notes and track your process throughout the course. 

Accountability sessions to complete the application

Worried that you won't be able to complete the Division of Health Human Services Registration on your own? You don't have to worry any longer. These accountability sessions will ensure you are doing the work to complete registration to start your business.


Join The Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator Now!

Here’s what you get for just $1,497 with our course:

6 weeks of live training

Not sure where to start? Our live trainings will walk you through every stage of the home care business process needed to start and build your business. We got you covered from compliance and regulation, forms and policy, application process and so much more.

Step-by-step walk-through of the application for the Division of Health Human Services

Eliminate overwhelm in the application process by completing a step by step walk through with an expert. No more guessing if you have completed the application correctly.

An employee handbook template to customize for your business

Proper employee onboarding and expectation is key for running any business, especially a home care business. This employee handbook is a valuable resource to your employees. 

Review of all compliance requirements

There are fundamental steps that each individual must take to ensure compliance in the home care business.  Be prepared by reviewing all compliance requirements to start and maintain your homecare business. 

A fill-in-the-blank personalized journal

Hold yourself accountable with a personalized journal to take notes and track your process throughout the course. 

Accountability sessions to complete the application

Worried that you won't be able to complete the Division of Health Human Services Registration on your own? You don't have to worry any longer. These accountability sessions will ensure you are doing the work to complete registration to start your business.


Join The Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator Now!


Is the Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator course right for me?

This course is perfect for you if you have wanted to start or grow your home care business but feel stuck or overwhelmed.  

I’m on the fence. Is the Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator course worth the price?

As the owner of a half a million dollar homecare business, our expertise and knowledge spans over 30+ years.  At $1,497 for our entire course — complete with 6 weeks of live training and countless resources — you’re saving thousands of dollars while learning skills that you can use to start and build your homecare business.

What if I buy the Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator course and it’s not what I hoped for?

We have tried to make the course features as clear as possible, but if you find yourself disappointed before the 2nd week of training, please email and tell us your thoughts. We want you to be successful, so we’ll get back to you with a solution that's beneficial for everyone!

Don’t just take it from us,
See what one of our customers have to say!

"The coaching with you has been really rewarding. Thank you for your inspiring, relieving, insightful and energizing sessions. You opened up new perspectives on my current situation. It is amazing, but just in a time of one hour I was able to view my own ideas from a completely new angle, and suddenly see the road to my ultimate dream. So thanks Lashonda I look forward to continuing our sessions from this point on you rock!!!!
-Mary C.


Join The Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator Now!

Starting a home care business should be an enjoyable journey

With our course, you’ll learn how to:

  • Feel confident starting or growing your home care business, without the overwhelm factor
  • Have a peace of mind learning the all the rules and regulations for compliance 
  • Complete the application for the Division of Health Human Services


Join The Akins Helping Hands Home Care Accelerator Now!

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